The 4MAT method of meeting the needs of all learners
When designing training for adult learners, referencing Bernice McCarthy's 4MAT system can help you ensure that you are considering the needs of all learners.
The 4MAT model describes four types of learners
1. Imaginative learners who want answers to the question "why?" These learners need to understand the big picture reasons for learning particular content, and they also want to understand the usefulness of particular information for their personal experience. They are driven by feeling, watching, and personal involvement.
2. Analytic learners who want answers to the question "what?" These learners want to understand the details of concepts and processes, and they enjoy hearing from the experts. They are driven by listening, thinking, and fact-seeking.
3. Common sense learners who want answers to the question "how?" These learners want to learn by doing, and they need to try things out themselves to figure them out. They are driven by creating, tinkering, and experimenting.
4. Dynamic learners who want answers to the question "if?" These learners are independent and enjoy self-discovery, using their intuition and exploration of hidden possibilities. They are driven by feeling and doing.
Training should include elements that appeal to all four types of learners
McCarthy's model suggests going through the four types in order, so that training begins by addressing the big picture and connecting learners to the training content. Next, training should cover the basics of the topic, and then it should cover how to build the learners' skills in using the new concepts. Finally, training should consider "what if" scenarios and adaptations to the content that may be needed in a particular situation.
More information about 4MAT is available at, and the website also includes free resources such as a complete visual explanation of the 4MAT system, access to webinars, a monthly newsletter, and McCarthy's blog & Twitter feed.